The end of an era: Koli Forum's lasting impact on bioeconomy

About Koli Forum

Koli Forum was established as a pioneering platform for high-level international dialogue on bioeconomy and the sustainable use of renewable natural resources. Initiated in 2009, it evolved into a formal association in 2014, bringing together key players in the field including research institutions, universities, and governmental bodies.

A legacy of innovation and dialogue

Throughout its tenure, Koli Forum has been at the forefront of bioeconomy discussions, catalyzing numerous initiatives and events in the field. Its contributions extend beyond dialogue, playing a significant role in shaping Finland's first Bioeconomy Strategy in 2014. The forum successfully achieved its primary objectives: fostering high-level political and cross-sectoral conversations and enhancing the visibility of North Karelia on the global stage.

Dissolution and future impact

On November 28, 2023, the Koli Forum Association made the decision to dissolve, marking the end of its formal activities. This decision reflects the evolving landscape of bioeconomy discussions and the forum's success in achieving its initial goals. As a final act of commitment to its mission, the remaining funds of the association will be directed to ENO Schoolnet, supporting the creation of educational materials on forests and bioeconomy for children.

Looking forward

While the Koli Forum Association may be dissolving, its impact continues. The educational materials funded by Koli Forum will be freely available through ENO's website, ensuring that the spirit of knowledge sharing and sustainable resource management lives on. As we bid farewell to Koli Forum, we celebrate its contributions and look forward to the new initiatives it has inspired in the realm of bioeconomy and sustainable development.