Join our discussion forum for global leaders!

Koli Forum is a top-level discussion platform focusing on sustainable use of natural resources and opportunities available through bioeconomy.

We organize biennial, international Koli Forum event and topical Round Table discussions that bring together business leaders, investors, policy makers, academia and civil society.

During the past 10 years Koli Forum has established itself as an excellent place for networking where the participants will draft a common set of proposals for action, the Koli Theses.  Through the Koli Theses the Forum aims to influence the decision-makers who shape our common future.

Now you can join us!

 As a member you will:

  • Be a part of an active discussion network.
  • Join a group of influential associates and peers.
  • Collaborate with different sectors and international networks.
  • Receive regular and timely information on Koli Forum activities and issues related to bioeconomy.

You can join us as an organisation -, individual- or supporting member. Membership applications are approved by the board of the association.

Membership fee:
The annual fee is 5,000€ for organizations / 347€ for individuals

How to apply

Apply for a membership by contacting:

Secretary General
Pekka Leskinen
+358 50 337 2562,