Welcome to Koli Forum 2019

We are proud to welcome you to the 10th anniversary Koli Forum event to be held at the Koli National Park in Finland on 9 – 10 October 2019.  The venue of the conference is Break Sokos Hotel Koli, surrounded by the most beautiful scenery in Finland.

The theme of the Koli Forum 2019 is Wealth, health and wellbeing from Nordic forests. The goal is to view forestry and forest-based bioeconomy from a holistic perspective, focusing specifically on opportunities available through more intense Nordic cooperation.  

Topical issues on the agenda are: EU proposals related to sustainable finance, new business ecosystems transforming the traditional codes of conduct, latest understanding of the health benefits offered by forests, best practices to find a balance between e.g. tourism vs. climate and biodiversity impacts etc. The high level decision makers gathered at this event will jointly draft and adopt the Koli Theses.

The conference programme is now available at koliforum.fi/koli-forum-2019

During the past 10 years Koli Forum has established itself as the high-level discussion platform on sustainable use of natural resources. Koli Forum is known to be an excellent place for networking, bringing together business leaders, investors, policy makers, academia and civil society.  The participants will create a common understanding of the steps needed for the forest-based sector to become a true forerunner in sustainability. More details about the Koli Forum can be found at www.koliforum.fi

Registration for the event is now open here. We encourage you to act promptly as the number of places is limited.  We warmly welcome you to this conference and look forward to hearing from you by 31 August, 2019 at the latest.

Yours sincerely,

Pentti Hyttinen  
Koli Forum Association          

Liisa Käär
Secretary General
Koli Forum Association